Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hot, Really Hot and Really Freaking Hot

For those of you not in Arizona, you are lucky, it is 8:31 pm and it is still 111 degrees out. I literally thought I would melt on my way home from the grocery store today. It was even too hot to go outside and swim in my pool. It was a perfect day for staying inside in the nice air conditioning so I went to see the new Harry Potter movie and now I am mad I have to wait almost a year and a half for the next movie. Yes it was good but I wish I had watched the last one on DVD before going so I could remember more clearly what happened leading up to this one.

I have officially started my Christmas shopping! Yes I am crazy, but what can I say... When it is 116 degrees out , thinking about Christmas makes you feel cooler. I can't believe they already have Fall clothes out in the stores. It just doesn't make sense in AZ. No wonder stores are closing left and right. Who in their right mind would buy Fall clothes in this weather? Just the thought of putting on a sweater would give me hives.

Well that's all for now, time to plan my day for tomorrow and get ready for bed since I have to be up at 4:30 am.

Try to stay cool...